"Am I therefore become your enemy,because I TELL YOU THE TRUTH...?"
(Galatians 4:16)

Wary India, Pakistan compare notes on counter-terrorism

ISLAMABAD-Pakistan and India held counter-terrorism talks in Islamabad on Tuesday amid mutual suspicion over each other's involvement in insurgencies raging in border areas.
Although the talks were meant to take place on a quarterly basis, this was only the third meeting of the "anti-terrorism mechanism" since Indian and Pakistani leaders agreed to establish it in September 2006.The initiative aimed to provide a platform for information exchange and assistance in investigations, and came two months after train bombings in the Indian city of Mumbai killed at least 180 people, casting a pall over a peace process the nuclear armed rivals began in 2004.A joint statement released after Tuesday's meeting gave no further details on the content of the talks.The quality of exchanges, however, was only likely to improve once more trust was established between the neighbours who in 2002 went to the brink of war, having already fought three since the 1947 partition of India.Pakistan's new civilian-led government, formed three months ago, has high hopes of building better relations with India.
Pakistan Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi was scheduled to visit New Delhi on Friday to get to know Indian leaders better and exchange ideas on moving relations forward on Kashmir, a trans-border gas pipeline from Iran, and trade and economic issues."The atmospherics are very positive with India," Foreign Office spokesman Mohammad Sadiq said.
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