"Am I therefore become your enemy,because I TELL YOU THE TRUTH...?"
(Galatians 4:16)

Pakistan must stop cross-border attacks: Afghanistan

KABUL-Pakistan must stop militants crossing the border to attack targets in Afghanistan, otherwise the Kabul government will take action, Afghanistan's presidential spokesman said on Tuesday.The comments echo those of Afghan President Hamid Karzai who threatened this month to send troops into Pakistan to kill Taliban militants there if cross-border attacks did not stop. Pakistan said only its forces would tackle militants on its soil."Karzai's comments clarify the fact that terrorism in Afghanistan has external roots and terrorist groups exploiting Pakistan territory attack Afghan military and non-military installations," Afghan presidential spokesman Humayun Hamidzada told a news conference."We request Pakistan not to allow terrorist groups to use its soil against Afghanistan, otherwise Afghanistan is obliged to take action in order to defend its nation and people," he said.The Afghan government and some of its Western allies are growing increasingly frustrated by Pakistan's failure to clamp down on militant activity in its tribally ruled border regions.The new Pakistan government has largely halted a military drive into the border areas and instead is trying to seal peace deals with militant groups to try to stem violence that has killed hundreds in Pakistan in the last 18 months.But Afghan officials and U.S. generals say the de-facto ceasefires on the Pakistan side of the border have allowed the militants to step up attacks into Afghanistan resulting in a sharp rise in violence in the east of the country.
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