One starts by silencing the mind-for many, this is not easy,but when the mind has become silent and still,it is then possible for the Divine Force to descend and enter into the receptive individual.First it trickles in,and later,in it comes in waves.It is both transforming and cleansing; and it is through this force that divine transformation will be achieved...
While we tend to picture in our minds,when we hear the word meditation,a peaceful guru sitting on a beautiful mountainside in India,in truth mysticism is occultic.It's as simple as that.Ray Yungen explains:
At the very core of the meditation effort is the concept of what is called the higher self. This is thought to be the part of the individual linked to the Divine Essence of the Universe, the part of man that is God. Contact with this higher self is the ultimate goal in meditation and has always been at the very heart of occultism.Yungen says that those who meditate are:
Individuals who,in the context of historical occultism,are in mystical contact with unseen sources and dimensions; who receive guidance and direction from these dimensions, and most importantly, who promote this state-of-being to the rest of humanity...
To be continued...
As in the days of Noah...