Last Weekend July 14/15 Walid Shoebat, Kamal Saleem and Zak Anani all former terrorists spoke for the first time together at a Church.The Church was Water of Life Community Church in Fontana California.On a normal weekend Water of Life Chrurch gets about 3800 people attending services.This weekend it was a different as over 7000 people attended the church to hear the 3 Ex terrorists tell their stories and explain the threat of fundamentalist Islam.Many local churches closed their doors on Sunday because their congregants said they were all going to Water of Life to hear the Three Ex Terrorists.All three spoke with passion and inspiration.They all received standing ovations.They speak again on August 12th at Adventure Christian Church in Roseville near Sacramento. The Three Ex Terrorist event is the best way to WAKE UP AMERICA...
PS:If you can attend any of these scheduled events,go.You won't be dissapointed.And tell your neightbours to go to.We are all affected by jihad.
As in the days of Noah....