As the Word of God declares the time of the Son of man coming would be as the days of Noah were.We are living in those days today.Perilous and exciting times.I want to encourage you in your daily walk with the Lord and help you wake up as you see the signs of His Coming all around us,because as it is written,our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed!
"Am I therefore become your enemy,because I TELL YOU THE TRUTH...?" (Galatians 4:16)
7.4 MAG Hits New Zealand...
Massive Solar Storm to hit Earth...
MEDVEDEV Sees Chance...
Ahmadinejad Calls for...
Obama Calls for Global Government
The Third Temple and the Third World War...
Israeli Muslims know the Third Temple IS COMING,and insist WAR IS COMING WITH IT...
Ginsberg: “Frankly I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of.”
ABC turns programming over to Obama:
..."News to be anchored from INSIDE WHITE HOUSE..."
US Canada Sign Law Enforcement Pact
Anti-Abortion... =EXTREMISM...
You're and EXTREMIST....
NWO WATCH:Egypt Calls for...
...Establishing New World Order to Overcome Crises....
NWO WATCH:NAM calls for...
..."New World Order"...
NWO WATCH:Pope Calls for...
..."New World Financial Order"
"Ahmadinejad stresses need for a New World Order"...
Brazilian President:Time for "New World Order"...
NWO WATCH:Mark Klein...
..."AT&T Whistleblower"...
"I am Savage..."
Michael Savage Banned from the UK...
"She is Watching You....."
Homeland Security on guard for "right-wing extremists"
"Earth Shattering Calamity...."
The Criminalization...
"Do not silence pastors nor penalize people of faith"
Free Silva Harotonian...!!!
A year in jail at infamous Iran's Evin Prison...
Aid Worker...
...Jailed in Iran
Obama coronated "Messiah"...
...Arms outstretched, he wears crown of thorns on his brow
...Obama Creates White House Office of Urban Affairs
Obama's Stimulus... "Ban Religious Worship"
Obama's War on Prayer....
"GULAG USA":Bill H.R. 645 creates detention camps in U.S....
...for "emergencies"
Obama Abortion Agenda Launched Today...
...with order promoting abortion in U.S. population-control program
The Day After the Rapture...
British PM Declares:...
..."The New World Order is Emerging"
NWO is HERE...!!!!
G-20 & Gordon Brown:
...NWO is HERE...!!!!
Lose your property for growing food?
Big Brother legislation could mean prosecution, fines up to $1 million
DENVER-Denver Roman Catholic Archbishop Charles Chaput labeled Barack Obama the "most committed" abortion-rights candidate from a major party in 35 years while accusing a Catholic Obama ally and other Democratic-friendly Catholic groups of doing a "disservice to the church."Chaput, one of the nation's most politically outspoken Catholic prelates, delivered the remarks Friday night at a dinner of a Catholic women's group.His comments were among the sharpest in a debate over abortion and Catholic political responsibility in a campaign in which Catholics represent a key swing vote.While Chaput has won praise from traditionalist Catholics for stressing opposition to abortion as a foundational voting issue, voices on the Catholic left have sought to apply church teachings to war, poverty, the environment and other issues. Although the Catholic left is not new, several advocacy groups have either formed or ramped up activities since 2004. Partly, their efforts are a response to attention given to the pro-abortion rights stance of Democrat John Kerry,a Catholic who was criticized by a few bishops who suggested he should be denied or refrain from Communion.Chaput, without getting into much detail, called Obama the "most committed" abortion-rights major-party presidential candidate since the landmark Roe v. Wade decision on abortion in 1973."To suggest—as some Catholics do—that Senator Obama is this year's 'real' pro-life candidate requires a peculiar kind of self-hypnosis, or moral confusion, or worse," Chaput said according to his prepared remarks, titled "Little Murders."The Obama campaign has been promoting an unusual-suspect sort of endorsement from Douglas Kmiec, a Catholic law professor and former legal counsel in the Reagan administration.Kmiec wrote a book making a Catholic case for Obama. He argues the Obama campaign is premised on Catholic social teaching like care for working families and the poor and foreign policy premised on peace over war. Democratic efforts to tackle social and economic factors that contribute to abortion hold more promise, Kmiec said, than Republican efforts to criminalize it.While applauding Kmiec's past record, Chaput said: "I think his activism for Senator Barack Obama, and the work of Democratic-friendly groups like Catholics United and Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good, have done a disservice to the church, confused the natural priorities of Catholic social teaching, undermined the progress pro-lifers have made, and provided an excuse for some Catholics to abandon the abortion issue instead of fighting within their parties and at the ballot box to protect the unborn."Pro-Obama Catholics "seek to contextualize, demote and then counterbalance the evil of abortion with other important but less foundational social issues," said Chaput, who wrote a book this year, "Render Unto Caesar," about Catholics and politics.Chaput emphasized he was speaking as a private citizen and not as a representative of the Denver archdiocese. The IRS prohibits clergy, in their role as clergy, from supporting or opposing candidates. Chaput already has said that Obama running mate Joe Biden, a Catholic, should not present himself for Communion because of his abortion rights position. Neither the Obama campaign nor Kmiec immediately responded to requests for comment.But Chris Korzen, executive director of Washington-based Catholics United, which has argued in direct mail and TV ads that taking the "pro-life" position means more than opposing abortion rights, criticized Chaput's statements."We are concerned that Archbishop Chaput's comments—even those made in his personal capacity—will have a chilling effect on this dialogue," Korzen said in a statement. "It is also profoundly unfortunate that Archbishop Chaput has chosen to make personal attacks on lay Catholics acting in good faith to promote Catholic values in the public square." Archbishop Charles Chaput on Abortion and Politics