As in the days of Noah...
GAY AGENDA WATCH:Christian activists fighting 'sexual orientation' resolution in Baton Rouge
Christians in the Louisiana capital warn that a resolution being pushed by homosexual activists and Mayor Melvin "Kip" Holden would proclaim the city's affirmation of the homosexual lifestyle. The Baton Rouge Metro Council recently came one vote shy of passing the so-called "Baton Rouge One" resolution. The non-binding measure would declare the city's "strong commitment to diversity and equal opportunity ... including its acceptance and integration of people of all ... sexual orientations."After the resolution failed, Mayor Holden denounced local pastors who opposed the resolution, including one who voiced his concerns to the mayor in a private e-mail. According Holden, the pastor was not "speaking as a godly person" and he had "hatred" in his heart. Tommy French, who pastors Jefferson Baptist Church in Baton Rouge, is encouraging Christians to contact the mayor and the Metro Council to express their disapproval of the resolution."The Baton Rouge One proposal is an attempt to get the Baton Rouge area to accept and approve the gay lifestyle," claims French. He says proponents of the measure want Baton Rouge to be like Austin, Texas, Portland, Oregon, and Seattle, Washington-and are trying to portray the message that unless the Louisiana capital "import[s] more homosexuals into the area," then the city is not progressive. Family Research Council president Tony Perkins is a resident of Baton Rouge and served in the state legislature with Holden. He says backers of the resolution want to open the door to further legislation, such as hate crimes laws, that would be used to silence Christians."This is happening across the country. It's an effort to intimidate and silence pastors, and we cannot allow that to happen," argues Perkins. "If pastors will not stand up and speak and defend their right to speak, we will see more and more government officials pushing and becoming advocates for the homosexual agenda."The website claims the resolution "was not intended to make anyone more tolerant or accepting."