A controversial Washington-based Islamic lobby group today is highlighting as "Islamophobia" a heated radio talk-show exchange in which host
Neal Boortz tells a Muslim caller Islam is a "cult," not a religion.The
Council on American-Islamic Relations said in its daily e-mail dispatch today an audio clip of the conversation-the date is not indicated-"is circulating on anti-Muslim Internet hate sites."
A copy of the clip was posted on YouTube.com Oct. 8, 2006.The caller began:"Sir,I'm calling because of some statements you've been making in the past week about the religion of Islam and … "Boortz interrupted:It's a cult,it's not even a religion. … " After a long list of crimes perpetrated all over the world in the name of Islam,the talk host told the caller,"You don't have a word of condemnation in you until the non-Islamic world rises up and starts to make it clear that we are fed up with your damned religion.We've had it up to here."And somebody,like I said yesterday,somebody needs to grab the Muslim world by the shirt collar,backhand it a good one, knock it into the damn corner and say straighten up or we're gonna eradicate you beetles from the face of the Earth.…"CAIR asked its constituents not to contact Boortz,because he"can and will use any comments to further defame Islam and Muslim.""This clip was offered only to demonstrate the growing level of Islamophobic rhetoric in our society," the group said...
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I happen to listen to Neal sometimes when I'm home in the mornings and even though he is a liberal and sometimes I don't coincide with him,in this thing he is 100% RIGHT.And if you are a regular reader of this blog you know that I've been saying for everybody to listen that Islam is NOT a religion of PEACE and tolerance as they portray it.The growing sense of "Islamophobia" as this group calls it comes because of what muslims have been doing all over the world.For God's sakes!!!They BEHEAD people!And they tape it!!!!HOW SICK IS THAT?Then we have muslims doctors that try to actually BLOW THEMSELVES UP AND KILL PEOPLE!!!If there is any "islamophobia" as they call it the only ones to point the finger at are muslims themselves....Instead of international outcry for the beheadings of people like Daniel Pearl or the attack on the Twin Towers all we saw on TV was "CELEBRATION IN THE STREETS OF MIDDLE EAST"...So much for Peaceful...don't you think???There is people still today that have a problem with the TRUTH....and it's not us....(rest of the world=infidels).As in the days of Noah....