{quote}"Barbaric!,"{unquote} he yelled.{quote} "Let that word resounding from hill to hill, and from mountain to mountain, and valley to valley across the broad land. Barbaric! Barbaric! May God help those poor souls who'd be so cruel. Barbaric! Hear me! Barbaric!I am confident that the hottest places in hell are reserved for the souls of sick and brutal people who hold God's creatures in such brutal and cruel contempt,one is left wondering,who are the real animals: the creatures inside or outside the ring?"{unquote}.He was referring to the case of dog fighting in which losing dogs either died in the pit or were electrocuted, drowned, hanged or shot. The indictment said purses climbed as high as $20,000 for fights.
I love dogs.We love dogs home.We have a husky and this past monday we lost our little Jack Russell.I was saddened for days.We also have 2 cats.We love our pets.We take them to the vet.We feed them well,and groom them home.Take them on trips,etc.They are part of the family.
I saw part of the grissly video showing dogs fighting and made me sick in the stomach.Couldn't finish watching it.
But today while I was watching Sen.Byrd speech being replayed over and over again a question and a comparison arose in my mind like lightning.
This dog fighting case is sickening and I have no doubts that somebody is gonna get prosecuted and probably will face some jail term.Their actions are a shame for the Falcons.
I haven't heard lately of such a passionate speech at the Senate Floor about the millions of babies that are being slaughtered every day in abortion clinics all over the country.
I haven't heard an uproar for the thousands of thousands babies that are forced to be born just to have their spine severed or to be smothered by a "health professional" that has his/her consciousness seared by sin and death.
I haven't heard an outcry at the Senate Floor about the scores of babies that are born in toilets at abortion clinics and then disposed the same way as these dogs are disposed.
I haven't heard any female or male senator crying out with indignation-showing the fist,calling it "Barbaric" when babies are mutilated in the womb and extracted in pieces on the abortion table.
What I've heard and seen is pagan opening prayers,senators supporting all sorts of rights and benefits for people that decide to lust after their own gender,bills trying to silence the truth of the Gospel,the name of Jesus being vilified,and outcries for dogs being abused and mutilated.
When it comes to matters of TRUTH and LIFE,our Senate falls short evey time.
When it comes to have a voice in power to cry out for those that are not given a chance at all and are killed before they ever have a chance to decide,there is silence.
When it comes to the TRUTH,those who speak it are called the "HATERS"and so in the next session a new strategy and a new bill will be sketched up to try to silence the voice of TRUTH.
I fear that we have reached a point of no return when it comes to desensitation of the masses.
People is already calling evil good and good evil.
The concept of life,marriage,personhood and freedom of speech is being redefined almost all the time,to a point that the next generation will have no boundaries and no examples to look up to when needed.
Now morals is whatever you want to define as morals.
Now life is whatever fits best.
We have reached a point in which a dog is more important than an unborn baby.
A dog has gotten a voice in the Senate.
An aborted unborn baby has no voice in the Senate.
Only in heaven these tiny voices are heard.
Where is the outcry for the butchering of unborn americans?
Lord have mercy on this land!!!
As in the days of Noah....