We recently embarked on a trip to Lima,the capital of Peru.This trip was sponsored by the RIO Church of Maryville,Tennessee,with Senior Pastor Ron Hepperly.One day while we were in a large auditorium in Lurigancho Prison,a riot broke out just outside the doors of the auditorium.The doors were locked and we waited while two rival groups fought it out.After the fight was over,the results were remarkable.The need was great and hundreds received from the Lord.We found Americans among the prisoners.Many were there for drug trafficking.One lady in the women's prison was the daughter of a Pentecostal minister from Kentucky.After we finally fought our way through every obstacle Satan could throw at us,we began to worship with them.The Holy Spirit descended heavily.At times it was like old-time holiness camp meeting.The prisoners forgot for a brief time that they were in prison and worshiped Jesus Christ with all their might.When the altar calls were given they flooded the front area asking,not for money or food,but rather for more of Jesus.He is their only hope.In these prisons the prisoners are given nothing?no food...nothing.If their families or friends don't furnish them with food they starve.There is no protection for them.It is every man for himself.They have to fight for survival.The guards don't care if they kill each other.No one cares for them?only Jesus.
Praise God for this powerful testimony of God's power moving over the face of the earth!!!I hear more and more of revival breaking through in prisons all over this world.Thanks be to God that we have a Sweet Saviour that cares for you and me and all these prisoners!!!There's gonna be many surprises in heaven!!!!As in the days of Noah....