I arrived in the Middle East and Iraq August 2006 with the 82d Sustainment Brigade out of Fort Bragg.I decided before I came to Iraq that my primary goal and purpose was to strengthen the Body of Christ among the soldiers and to win soldiers to Christ.My main method for doing that would be the Pulpit ministry.I felt then as I do now that the only ministry many of the soldiers would ever receive that would make a change in their lives was the sermon.Therefore,my intent was to put prayer and time into sermon preparation every week and ensure the message addressed salvation, change,and commitment to Christ and the Faith.My model of ministry is to not neglect the ordinances of the church.I use the ordinances of Lords Supper and Baptism to confirm the
transformation of their lives and form their experience around Faith in God.My thoughts are if I had 100 people in a worship service I could provide a 30 minute message that addressed eternal and personal issues for everyone.I state,implore, and ask questions around eternal truths during the sermon and apply the healing message of faith in Christ as the answer.When we have people who tell us they want to be born again or saved, we pray with them,put the booklet "Getting Started" in their hands,and within two weeks have a baptism service...
To read more go to:
http://www.faithnews.cc/articles.cfm?sid=8113As in the days of Noah...