Speaking from the Ketziot prison,where over 250 terrorist prisoners were released this morning,terror victims' activist Meir Indo says many Israelis are disgusted at the idea.Indor, head of the Almagor Terror Victims Association, was on hand to watch the 255 terrorists being released."I came with just one other person,"he said,"a man whose son was murdered by terrorists several years ago and who came straight from visiting a monument to his son, and yet the authorities here didn't let us come near the reporters. They called this mission 'Fresh Breeze,'and they didn't want to let anything ruin the refreshing atmosphere...""But I can tell you,"Indor continued,"that even though the politicians and the higher-ups in the army and those who are waiting to be promoted don't object to this release,the fact is that as you go further down in the army and security forces,there is a lot of opposition and disgust.In the Supreme Court,as well,at least one judge-Elyakim Rubenstein [the lone dissenting voice in the
2-1 decision upholding the release]showed, let's say,dissatisfaction with the release."
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