Many of you are passionate about the topic of abortion.And those who are have definitive views on the subject.Some know exactly when life begins-at fertilization.Others are positive that the fetus is an appendage to the mother until some obscure time during the pregnancy when, you know,it isn't.For me, and I suspect for many of you,the abortion issue is a tad more complex.So it's regrettable that Coloradans may soon be forced to make a simplistic choice on the issue.Kristine Burton, a 19-year-old student,is the brainchild behind a proposed 2008 Colorado ballot initiative that would effectively ban abortion in the state.The language,approved this week by the title board,states that a person will be defined as a human being "from the moment of fertilization."And once identified this way,that person will enjoy "inalienable rights,equality of justice and due process of law."Colorado Equal Rights (which shouldn't be confused with the gay and lesbian outfit Equal Rights Colorado-really, it shouldn't)has crafted this unambiguous wording as a challenge to Roe vs. Wade.It seems that Justice Harry Blackmun,author of the 1973 opinion,noted then that once "personhood" is established,the case for Roe vs. Wade "collapses."So you're going to be hearing the word "personhood" a lot.And, as you can imagine, this sets up an extraordinary political battle in Colorado...
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http://www.denverpost.com/ci_6417497?source=rssAs in the days of Noah...