KABUL,Afghanistan-Taliban militants threatened Friday to kill at least 18 kidnapped South Korean Christians,including 15 women, within 24 hours unless the Asian nation withdraws its 200 troops from Afghanistan.In the largest abduction of foreigners since the fall of the Taliban regime in 2001,several dozen fighters kidnapped the South Koreans at gunpoint from a bus in Ghazni province on Thursday,said Ali Shah Ahmadzai,the provincial police chief."They have got until tomorrow (Saturday) at noon to withdraw their troops from Afghanistan,or otherwise we will kill the 18 Koreans,"Qari Yousuf Ahmadi,who claims to speak for the Taliban,told The Associated Press on a satellite telephone from an undisclosed location."Right now they are safe and sound."Outmatched by foreign troops,the Taliban often resort to kidnapping civilians caught traveling on treacherous roads,particularly in the country's south,where the insurgency is raging.The tactic hurts President Hamid Karzai's government by discouraging foreigners involved in reconstruction projects from venturing into remote areas where their help is most needed.A year ago, hundreds of South Korean Christians were ordered to leave Afghanistan amid rumors they were proselytizing in the deeply conservative Islamic nation.A member of that group promised they would return to the country in smaller groups, but denied charges of spreading Christianity.
Yonhap reported that most of the hostages were members of the Saemmul Community Church in Bundang, just south of the South Korean capital, Seoul.An official at the Presbyterian church confirmed 20 of its members were in Afghanistan for volunteer work.The group left South Korea on July 13 and was to return on July 23,she said,speaking on condition of anonymity because she was not authorized to talk to the media.There were conflicting reports on how many Koreans were kidnapped.
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Just another example of the Loving and Peacful Religion of Islam...I wonder where is the outrage for this from what people calls the"moderate muslims"across the world????As in the days of Noah...