As he walked hurriedly through the rain-soaked streets of East London,a shabby neighborhood that has historically been the home of new immigrants,he noticed a man following him.The man yelled,“You F---ing Jew.”Roberts kept walking,and then the man hurled a bottle.It met its mark and knocked Roberts unconscious.His last memory,he said in a recent interview,was that "My face felt wet."A passerby called an ambulance,and Roberts was treated for a gaping head wound and examined for brain injuries.The attack on this young man was not an isolated one;it illustrates the rising level of anti-Semitic activity in Britain.The British government itself condemns the rising incidence of anti-Semitism and has vowed aggressive action against it.The government emphasized,in a report on March 29,that it will not tolerate mistreatment of Britain's Jews.“There is probably a greater feeling of discomfort, greater concerns, greater fears about anti-Semitism than there have been for many decades,”Henry Grunwald, president of the Board of Deputies of British Jews,recently told a bipartisan parliamentary committee investigating anti-Semitism.According to government reports,the chief sources of the hatred of Jews are native-born fascists,far-left political extremists and Muslim radicals.The physical attacks are mainly directed at Orthodox Jews,who are highly visible because of their skullcaps and traditional dress.Secular Jews, who are not as easily identifiable by their clothes, are less likely to be attacked...
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PS:The sources of hatred against jews are:native-born fascist,far left political extremists and MUSLIM RADICALS....according to this report.As things are going on TODAY I'd say forget about the two first groups of hateful peoples....concentrate on MUSLIM RADICALS....THey are an ever present THREAT and they HATE you and me,that are NOT muslims...FOr them jews=pigs,so you go figure....
As in the days of Noah...