According to an article in the Globe and Mail by Stephen Strauss, a little known fact about genes and mutations is causing considerable consternation in evolutionary circles.Evolutionists believe that new species were created as gene's mutated.These mutations,if they were beneficial and helped the species survive in changing climates,were incorporated into the species as a whole and gradually resulted in the formation of new animals over hundreds of millions of year.Over the past few years,we have been inundated with reports of the discovery of genes that regulate eye color, hair color and list goes on.It leaves the impression that genes only affect one particular area.However,this impression couldn't be further from the truth and this is the root of the problem.Scientists have known for decades that a single gene affects multiple areas.It is a process called pleiotropy.In Strauss' article,Mathematical biology professor at the University of British Columbia,Sally Otto said a single gene "affects the expression of something in the order of hundreds of other genes."Otto believes if change of a single gene could be precisely measured, we would probably see it has effected,to varying degrees,the operation of every other gene.She added,"You can't change selection on one thing,without changing everything."There are no neutral changes every mutation effects a multitude of areas.Consequently,changes that may be positive in one area invariably have a negative effect in the other areas regulated by the same single gene. Though scientists have known about pleiotropy for 75 years, they just recently acknowledged the trouble this causes evolutionary theory.
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