Before his rise to power,Duch was commander of the highest security prison in the regime,S-21,otherwise known as Tuol Seng where an estimated 12,000 people were imprisoned and executed.Most sent there were actually members of the Khmer Rouge,as Nuon Chea routinely used S-21 to purge the party of dissidents real or imagined. Using extreme measures of torture,S-21 routinely gained
confessions for all crimes charged and then executed them.
Pol Pot's torturer comes to Christ
Christopher LaPel-a Cambodian-born pastor living in Los Angeles-regularly travels to Cambodia to preach the Gospel and hold leadership training seminars.In 1995,he was involved in a two-day leadership seminar in Chamkar Samrong a village in Battambang province.There he met a man, 54, by the name of Hang Pin.Christopher said Hang had been encouraged to attend the meetings at the urging of a friend.LaPel described him as withdrawn and gaunt.After listening to LaPel's sermons,Hang made a commitment to Christ and asked to be baptized.LaPel said this resulted in a remarkable transformation in Hang's life.He went from being withdrawn to open and laughing and concerned about how he looked.At this point,LaPel had no idea that Hang Pin was the notorious leader of the Khmer Rouge secret police:Duch....
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As in the days of Noah...