Some signs used by pro-life protesters to spur a public reaction against abortion may be graphic, but that doesn't mean they're illegal and can be confiscated, according to a new ruling from the Minnesota Supreme Court.The decision reversed the criminal convictions of pro-life protesters Ron Rudnick and Luke Otterstad, who displayed the signs on an overpass in the Twin Cities suburb of Anoka during the run-up to the 2004 national elections.One sign displayed a large color photograph of an aborted infant; the other branded a local congressional candidate as "pro-abortion."The two were jailed by police,their signs were taken away,and they were convicted of causing a "criminal nuisance."But the state's highest court unanimously reversed the convictions, determining that prosecutors simply failed to prove their case: that the signs created any danger to the public.
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This is good news all the way.People need to see what really takes place when abortionist doctors murder babies,everyday at their offices.The only "danger they create" is for the abortionists...that pregnant mothers will reconsider and decide to continue their pregnancy and don't murder their children...Life won once more here.As in the days of Noah....