Red-light cameras installed at four Seattle intersections last year have resulted in nearly 14,000 traffic citations and brought in just over $900,000 in revenue,according to a preliminary report to be issued today.But their real value,the city says,is they have led to a marked drop in violations for running red lights and in the severity of traffic collisions at the intersections.At the intersections,red-light violations dropped by a third over the course of the year,after a brief initial spike, according to the report.Weekly citations per camera went from about 90 in July 2006 to just under 60 in May.There also was a reduction in the severity of accidents at the intersections, though only a slight drop in frequency.The city has a total of six cameras at four high-use intersections: Northeast 45th Street and Roosevelt Way Northeast;Fairview Avenue North and Denny Way;Fifth Avenue and Spring Street;and Rainier Avenue South at South Orcas Street.Four of the cameras began working in July; the two others started in October."So far, everything that we've looked at, from reducing the amount of injury,to the level of injury,has been successful,"Police Chief Gil Kerlikowske said.He said he wants the program to grow."We'll be moving to recommend expansion to other intersections:those that have been recognized as having a higher number of accidents.We could easily do 12 to 18 more" intersections, the chief said.
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They have picked already the KEY locations.Don't be fooled.They don't care about lowering the numbers of car accidents...They are just testing for broader Big Brother control in the near future.If you get from downtown Seatlle to the U district they will be able to tract you"real time" no problem...And like that many other destinations.The U District is full of cameras of all kinds.Pretty soon they're gonna be able to track ALL your moves in the cityin this one and in many other across the nation...As in the days of Noah....