Kevin Jennings uses the euphemism of "curriculum reform" when describing his ultimate goal of introducing gay issues into the public schools. Mr. Jennings also refers to Catholic Cardinal Bernard Francis Law as an "old queen"...
Russian Aircraft Buzz U.S. Navy Ship
White House Science Czar Says He’d Use "Free Market to De-Develop the United States"
From CNS News: In a video interview this week, White House Office of Science and Technology Director John P. Holdren told that he would use the “free market economy” to implement the “massive campaign” he advocated along with Population Bomb author Paul Ehrlich to “de-develop the United States.”In his role as President Barack Obama’s top science and technology adviser, Holdren deals with issues ranging from global warming to health care. “A massive campaign must be launched to restore a high-quality environment in North America and to de-develop the United States,” Holdren wrote along with Paul and Anne H. Ehrlich in the “recommendations” concluding their 1973 book Human Ecology: Problems and Solutions...
PS:Eugenicist John Holdren is a lunatic globalist that would like to "purify the earth" and get it rid of "useless eaters".He and his wife must think they're above you and me...Remember the "Logan's Run"..?Remember it's carroussell...?Well Holdren wants you and me to volunteer for the carroussell while he watches...!
As in the days of Noah...
PS:Eugenicist John Holdren is a lunatic globalist that would like to "purify the earth" and get it rid of "useless eaters".He and his wife must think they're above you and me...Remember the "Logan's Run"..?Remember it's carroussell...?Well Holdren wants you and me to volunteer for the carroussell while he watches...!
As in the days of Noah...
Obama’s Science Czar:"The Term Global Warming is Dangerous Misnomer"
John Holdren, director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, says that the term "global warming" is "a dangerous misnomer” that should be replaced with “global climate disruption."
MSNBC Host Gives Platform to Anti-Christian Zealot on Eve of 9/11; Christian Fundamentalists are the Real Threat
Barry Lynn, Executive Director, AMERICANS UNITED FOR SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE: "I worry about Islamic fundamentalism, there's fundamentalists in every religion, but I worry a lot more about the imminent return of Christian fundamentalism that will try to tell every single American how to live from the moment of conception until the moment of death..."
OBAMA'S ANTICOLONIALISM:"White House rips Forbes article"

PS:Sorry Mr. Gibbs...but once more you don't have a clue of what you're talking about...!Buy Barry Soetoro's books...or listen to them in tapes and you'll find out that this is not something unfounded,but Barry says it himself in "Dreams of my father"..for example...I don't blame you if you can't finish the books..but it would surely help you...!I feel for you cause you just say what they tell you to say...
As in the days of Noah...
RCC WATCH:"Pope's UK Visit:Police question six street cleaners held over plot to attack the Pope..."

Gates Sees 2-3 Years of Combat in Afghanistan

Picture Left:U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates speaks with troops from the 1st Brigade, 4th Infantry Division, as he visits Forward Operation Base Camp Nathan Smith outside Kandahar Friday.(Reuters)
EU Official in Trouble for Remarks on Jews

Iran says to strike Israel nuclear site if attacked

"Our developed weapons can hit any part of the Zionist regime (Israel) ... We hope not to be forced to attack their nuclear facility," Firouzabadi told the semi-official Mehr news agency...
Iran's Ahmadinejad calls on Palestinians to fight on

Muslims take to Minnesota State Fair to repair image

Each time a new wave of people exited, the young Minneapolis residents — who hadn't eaten all day — tried to press into their hands a small, glossy card that read "Islam Explained" on one side. On the other, it had about 180 words of background on a religion whose adherents fear is being misunderstood by too many Americans as violent and depraved....
Some 600,000 Muslims crowd into Mecca mosque

In all more than a million worshippers were in the mosque and surrounding areas, Said al-Mansoori, a spokesman for the commission governing Mecca and Medina told AFP.
The two cities have swollen with worshippers from Saudi Arabia and around the world undertaking the umrah, or minor pilgrimage, which peaks during Ramadan...
Muslims hold mass prayers at Jerusalem mosque

"As in previous weeks, the police deployed 2,000 men around the mosque. They have not interfered, and the prayer has taken place with the utmost calm," police spokesman Shmulik Ben Ruby said...
ISLAMIC CRAZE WATCH:Muslim cleric calls for beheading of Dutch politician

Fidel Castro leads first mass rally in four years

Castro, 84, wearing his trademark olive green uniform-but without any military insignias-addressed thousands of students and others at the University of Havana, where he warned about the threat of nuclear war should the United States or Israel attack Iran...
Fears grow over global food supply

In Mozambique, where a 30 per cent rise in bread prices triggered riots on Wednesday and Thursday, the government said seven people had been killed and 288 wounded...
ISRAEL:"CCTV cameras won’t go into classrooms or corridors"
I-Dosing: Another Excuse for Government Control Over Our Lives
I don’t know about you, but I am not about to run out and experiment with the latest fad, known as “i-dosing,” a gimmick that supposedly uses binaural tones to create euphoria. “Simply put, i-dosing is the attempt to achieve a perceived drug ‘high’ from listening specially-engineered sounds and music,” reports Psychology Today. “Is it a real drug? Probably not.”
Pre-Crime Technology To Be Used In Washington D.C

The Minority Report like pre-crime software has been developed by Richard Berk, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania....
Full-Body Scan Technology Deployed In Street-Roving Vans

China seeks fresh nuclear talks with North Korea

Picture Left:A vehicle that is believed to be carrying North Korean leader Kim Jong-il, the only vehicle in his convoy that is heavily tinted and armoured, leaves Nanhu hotel in Changchun city, where Kim is rumoured to be staying with his son.(REUTERS/Aly Song)
EUGENICS WATCH:Ehrlich and Holdren: Death “Reasonable Price to Pay” for Well-being of Society

Picture Left:Paul R Ehrlich
Picture Left:Paul R Ehrlich
Bancor:"The Name Of The Global Currency That A Shocking IMF Report Is Proposing"

DESENSITATION WATCH:"Fingerprint check-in tried at 24 Hour Fitness"

Picture Left:John Sebastian Russo / The Chronicle
BIG BROTHER WATCH:"Homeland Security head praises city's security cameras"

Picture Left:Mayor Daley and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano tour the Office of Emergency Management and Communications on Thursday. He wants to add more cameras.
(Keith Hale/Sun-Times)
Court allows agents to secretly put GPS trackers on cars
(CNN)Law enforcement officers may secretly place a GPS device on a person's car without seeking a warrant from a judge, according to a recent federal appeals court ruling in California.Drug Enforcement Administration agents in Oregon in 2007 surreptitiously attached a GPS to the silver Jeep owned by Juan Pineda-Moreno, whom they suspected of growing marijuana, according to court papers...
Massive solar storm to hit Earth in 2012 with 'force of 100m bombs'

US military's top secret X-37B shuttle 'disappears' for two weeks, changes orbit

Picture Left:The X-37B - amateur skywatchers are enjoying the cat-and-mouse game with the US military's "space weapon"/AP
ISLAMIC CRAZE WATCH:Saudi Employer Allegedly Tortured Maid By Driving Nails Into Her Body

Iran to Russia:"Let's establish a nuclear consortium"

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED 2:" Troops still deploying to Mideast from BIA"

Picture Left:Pvt. Zane Clossey of Robbinston keeps an eye out for family members as he and other soldiers from the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment in Fort Hood, Texas, get some fresh air after their troop plane landed at Bangor International Airport on Tuesday afternoon.(BANGOR DAILY NEWS PHOTO BY JOHN CLARKE RUSS)
PS:Exactly...that is the BIG QUESTION...."WHY ARE THEY GOING...?"
As in the days of Noah....
Poison Gas Attack at Afghan Girls’ School
At least 70 students and teachers at an all girls school in Kabul, Afghanistan's capital, have been sickened by an unknown gas that spread through classrooms...
CIA making secret payments to members of Karzai administration

Yemen New Target in Terror War
U.S. officials believe al Qaeda in Yemen is now collaborating more closely with allies in Pakistan and Somalia to plot attacks against the U.S., spurring the prospect that the administration will mount a more intense targeted killing program in Yemen...
State TV: Iranian Missile Test a Success
Iran said on Wednesday that has it successfully test-fired an upgraded version of a short-range surface-to-surface missile...
Iran Sentences Opposition Leader's Aide to 5 Years

RI boy who made banned toy soldier hat gets medal

EAST PROVIDENCE, R.I.--A Rhode Island boy whose school banned a hat he made because the toy soldiers on it carried tiny guns was awarded a medal on Friday for his patriotic efforts.Lt. Gen. Reginald Centracchio, the retired head of the Rhode Island National Guard, gave 8-year-old David Morales a medal called a challenge coin during an appearance on WPRO-AM's John DePetro show.Centracchio said the second-grader should be thanked for recognizing veterans and soldiers."You did nothing wrong, and you did an outstanding job," he said. "We can only hope that kids of your caliber will continue to defend this country."Centracchio also gave David a certificate that allows him to call himself a brigadier general....
PS:These are good news....!Go David...!!!Congrats on your medal...!!!
They make kids like David read books like "Johnny has two daddys" and they have "a day of silence",they teach them how to put a condom on a cucumber,they cannot wear T-Shirts with american flags on it...but all of the sudden David fixes a hat with some plastic soldiers and GI's for a school project and THEY SHUT DOWN HIS FREEDOM OF SPEECH for DEEMING HIS HAT AS SOMEWHAT DANGEROUS to a point that it HAS TO BE SENSORED...!!!!!?????
COME ON......!!!!!!!!!
As in the days of Noah....
PS:These are good news....!Go David...!!!Congrats on your medal...!!!
They make kids like David read books like "Johnny has two daddys" and they have "a day of silence",they teach them how to put a condom on a cucumber,they cannot wear T-Shirts with american flags on it...but all of the sudden David fixes a hat with some plastic soldiers and GI's for a school project and THEY SHUT DOWN HIS FREEDOM OF SPEECH for DEEMING HIS HAT AS SOMEWHAT DANGEROUS to a point that it HAS TO BE SENSORED...!!!!!?????
COME ON......!!!!!!!!!
As in the days of Noah....
WikiLeaks Preparing to Release Video of Alleged U.S. 'Massacre' in Afghanistan

As the founder of the whistleblower website WikiLeaks remains underground in fear that the U.S. will detain him, the site is preparing to release a leaked video of a U.S. airstrike in Afghanistan that is said to be more shocking than the Iraqi video that sent its controversial leader into hiding.Julian Assange, who has been garnering more attention since it was announced that Pentagon investigators are looking for him, told his supporters in an email this week that he has a classified video of a U.S. attack on Afghan civilians....
U.S. Testing Pain Ray in Afghanistan

OK, OK. Maybe that isn’t precisely the logic being employed by those segments of the American military who would like to deploy the Active Denial System to Afghanistan. I’m sure they’re telling themselves that the generally non-lethal microwave weapon is a better, safer crowd control alternative than an M-16. But those ray-gun advocates better think long and hard about the Taliban’s propaganda bonanza when news leaks of the Americans zapping Afghans until they feel roasted alive.
Because, apparently, the Active Denial System is “in Afghanistan for testing”...
Alert Issued for 17 Afghan Military Members AWOL From U.S. Air Force Base

FLASHBACK:"Medvedev Shows Off Sample Coin..."

Russia pushes for New Reserve Currency; Meets With China...

Medvedev sees chance for New World Order...

HONOUR KILLING WATCH:Guilty Pleas in Honor Killing Case...

"She was experiencing conflict at home over cultural differences between living in Canada and back [in Pakistan]," the statement said.
She told her father she did not wish to wear the hijab, wanting instead to dress in Western clothes with the same freedoms as the other girls in her high school....
PS:I'm glad that justice was served on Aqsa's case...It is sad that she is no longer here to see it.I cannot imagine the pain and horror she felt while she was being murdered by the men that were supposed to love her,such as her own father and brother...I have no words for her mother or other siblings...may be they are also victims living in fear or they are just like Aqsa's murderers...Either way,we need to continue to denounce this crazy retrograd demonic practice,as what it is....simple and plain MURDER...
As in the days of Noah....
SHA'ARIA LAW WATCH:"Oklahoma Lawmakers Seek Voter Backing to Ban Shariah From Courts"

ISLAMIC INVASION WATCH:Paris police ban pork street party in Muslim area

Hamas TV Losing Viewers Across Europe

Picture Left: A live program in progress at Hamas’ Al-Aqsa TV station in Gaza City on Tuesday, June 15, 2010. (AP Photo/Khalil Hamra)
Two-Thirds of Americans Say They Are Angry at the Media

Picture Left:(AP Photo/Alex Brandon)
Middle Class Is Abandoning Obama: He Gets Majority Approval Rating Only From Americans Making Less Than $24,000 Per Year
Bachmann:"Obama Exceeding Constitutional Authority in Ordering BP to Surrender Funds--'It's All About Extortion'"

Picture Left:( Starr)
Obama's Daily Tracking Poll Falls Again.....
Obamas Meet Potter Gang...

Picture Left:(Photo: INF)
OBAMA'S HOLLYWOOD HIGHLIFE:"First Lady Michelle Obama Enjoys a Family Beach Day at Billionaire's Mansion"...

Woman pleads guilty to accessing Obama's student loan records

Picture Left:Accompanied by her lawyer Christopher Hagenow, left Mercedes Costoyas leaves U.S. District Court, Davenport in Davenport, Iowa, on Wednesday June 16, 2010 after pleading guilty to accessing the student loan records of Barack Obama. (Kevin E. Schmidt/Quad-City Times)
Obama more popular in Europe than at home:poll

Picture Left:A man wearing a badge showing US President Barack Obama attends the D-Day ceremony in 2009 in Colleville-sur-Mer, France(AFP)
British media fall out of love with Obama...

Picture Left:Barack Obama addresses the US from the Oval Office (Photo: Reuters)
Obama administration spends $1.2 billion on cycling and walking initiatives

Picture Left:Photo:GETTY
Obama's Oval Office Address Similar To Carter's Malaise Speech
Americans for Prosperity: "Obama's Oval Office speech was so similar to Jimmy Carter's Malaise speech, they almost seamlessly fit together..."
School Kids Chant: "I Am An Obama Scholar"
School children are led by a teacher in a chant that begins with "I will be anything I want to be."
At one point during the incantation the teacher asks the students to repeat the phrase "I am an Obama scholar."
(from: Lincoln Bassett Middle School in New Haven, Connecticut)
UK fits psychiatric patients with satellite tracking devices
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