"Am I therefore become your enemy,because I TELL YOU THE TRUTH...?"
(Galatians 4:16)

ISLAMIC WATCH:Selective Outrage - Muslims Riot Over Danish Cartoons But Not Over China Destroying A Mosque

Curiously there seems to be little reaction across the Muslim world to a recent story in the Saudi Gazette, no doubt an unbiased and non-partisan news source, that the Chinese have razed a Mosque and stolen Korans because the local Muslims won’t play reideer games:
BEIJING – Chinese authorities in the restive far western region of Xinjiang have demolished a mosque for refusing to put up signs in support of this August’s Beijing Olympics, an exiled group said on Monday.
Not only that, they’ve detained the Muslims involved they have, in a very George Bush-like manner, proceeded to torture them. At least, according to the Saudi Gazette:
“The Qur’an copies in the mosque have been seized by the government and dozens of people detained,” he said. “The detained Uighurs have been tortured”.
World wide violent Muslim protests have been reported in, er, um.....okay, so far no violent world wide Muslim protests. Why not? Can’t be because there’s no verification of the article, because Muslims protest over every other allegation of so-called Islamaphobia or anything they consider an insult to Islam. Which is just about everything. And they don’t usually wait to see if there’s any truth in the rumor that caused the riot.The degree of perceived insult doesn’t really matter, either. They staged massive demonstrations over some rather innocuous cartoons and wanted a teacher killed because her class named a teddy bear “Mohammed”.Why aren’t we seeing anything like that over the razing of a mosque and the alleged torture of their fellow Muslims at Chinese hands?Okay, I’ll take a stab at it - could it be because they know that their violent histrionics intimidate the more politically correct Western nations into compliance with their demands, no matter how petty or childish? And that China just flat doesn’t care what they think and that staging protests won’t make a damn bit of difference? Especially in China where it would not only make no difference whatsoever to the Chinese government how many protests you staged, it could be downright hazardous to your health.
Just asking.
Maybe their riot calendar is booked up.....sorry, just can’t work that one in. Wednesday? Nope, two beheadings and a stoning then. Just can’t manage another riot right now. Have your terrorists call my terrorists.
Yeah. That’s probably it.
Thanks to Jawa for this one.
By Pilgrim
As in the days of Noah....