"Am I therefore become your enemy,because I TELL YOU THE TRUTH...?"
(Galatians 4:16)

Iran's Guards say U.S. to face "tragedy" if it hits Iran

TEHRAN-Iran's Revolutionary Guards warned the United States on Wednesday it would face a "tragedy" if it attacked the Islamic Republic.
"We advise U.S. officials to be careful not to face another tragedy," Mohammad Hejazi, a senior commander of the elite Guards, was quoted as saying by the official IRNA news agency."Our last word is that if you want to move towards Iran make sure you bring walking sticks and artificial legs because if you came you will not have any legs to return on," he said.Hejazi's comments followed market talk of a military strike against the country's nuclear sites.The standoff between the West and Tehran has sparked fears of a military confrontation that would disrupt oil supplies. Last week a report said Israel had practiced for a possible strike against Iran's nuclear facilities.
Washington says it is focusing on diplomatic pressure to thwart Iranian nuclear work it suspects is aimed at making bombs but has not ruled out military action if that were to fail.A senior Iranian official on Tuesday denied market rumors of an Israeli attack on one of Iran's nuclear facilities, which Tehran says are part of a peaceful drive to generate electricity.The New York Times last week quoted U.S. officials as saying Israel had carried out a large military exercise, apparently a rehearsal for a potential bombing of Iran's nuclear facilities.Many analysts say Iran's nuclear sites are too numerous, distant and fortified for Israel to take on alone.
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As in the days of Noah....