"Am I therefore become your enemy,because I TELL YOU THE TRUTH...?"
(Galatians 4:16)

Christians Flock to Israel for Sukkhot

Over 6,000 Christians from more than 90 nations desceneded on Jerusalem for the Sukkot holiday. The pilgrims are taking part this week in the 28th annual Christian celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles sponsored by the International Christian Embassy, Jerusalem, JTA reported Friday. "Our feast pilgrims have a deep love and concern for Israel, bring much color and joy to the city of Jerusalem, and always receive a warm welcome from the Israeli people, particularly during the hugely popular Jerusalem March," said the Rev. Malcolm Hedding, the ICEJ executive director.The gathering is the largest tourism event in Israel and is expected to generate some $15 million to $18 million revenues, accounting for more than 16,000 hotel room nights.The Chief Rabbinate ruled that Jews should not participate in the annual Jerusalem March or any feast events at the International Convention Center in Jerusalem because some Christians involved may engage in proselytizing.

As in the days of Noah....