"Am I therefore become your enemy,because I TELL YOU THE TRUTH...?"
(Galatians 4:16)

How Vaccines may be confirming my End Times Suspicions...

When back in 2000 I took a flu shot,I never thought that--instead of helping me fight "flu"--it would sicken me they way it did...Within two weeks of that shot I had a bronchitis with severe broncoespasm.It took me a while to recuperate...After that every year or so--it seems--I have this respiratory troubles that have lasted a while to get resolved and haven't helped in lessening the suspicion that it all begun with that one flu shot.Im not very fond of "live viruses shots" and you shouldn't either...
Before this episode I have never had this kind of severe respiratory-pulmonary onsets in my life considering all the patients I've ver been around are precisely"respiratory patients".I'm to the point now that I need some meds to keep my airway open besided the nebulizations,and etc,etc.
So for the last week I haven't been able to do much of anything.Had to cancel several important appointments and classes and felt horrible most of the time.Cannot breath very well and had a miserable week.The coughing spells are the worse at nite,which don't let me sleep at all.So in the mornings I'm not rested,but tired of coughing and being sat in bed waiting for the next med I can take to help me breath somehow.Till this happened to me I had never given too much thought to the matter of vaccinations.
Ive heard tons of things from both sides--doctors and patients--and to be honest with you I would side with the doctors of course in this thing we have of :"how come youre not gonna get vaccinated,are you nuts...?"
But now after several years of this plague I have started researching and wondering if I was right all along or just dooped.And Ive made some interesting and somewhat disturbing findings that I may share with you in this blog soon.
I think you and I have to know what is really going on with certain things pertaining our health and our life in general.It is our RESPONSABILITY.
I am not a conspiracionist,looking always behind my shoulder,seeing black choppers,but some things are already happenning all around us...they've been happenning for scores of years according to a plan,an evil plan for these end times.These powers and forces are out there and are trying to get more and more embeddeb in our lives as days go by.God has a Master Plan for this day an hour....well..satan and his minions too...
We need to be READY and INFORMED...You don't want to perish for lack of knowledge,do you...???I dont want that either...As christians we have a responsability with ourselves and our families TO KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON...That's how we can make informed decisions about our lives and the lives of others.
I was just dropping a line to let you know how things are going here and if you feel led,to pray for my health.
We are living in evil times,BUT GOD....has MADE PROVISION for us,even for these days....
Thank you for visiting my blog.
Feel free to come back anytime and tell others....
God Bless You
As in the days of Noah...