(ANSA) - Rome, January 21 - Italy is moving to prevent any more recurrences of mass Muslim prayers in front of Catholic places of worship following incidents in Milan, Bologna and Rome this month.Hundreds of Muslims took part in prayers in front of Milan’s Duomo on January 3 when the hour for prayer arrived during the march.On the same day a similar incident occurred in Bologna, where hundreds of Muslims prayed to Allah in front of the Basilica of San Petronio.In a third incident, around 50 Muslims prayed in front of the Colosseum in Rome last weekend during another protest march for Gaza. The Roman amphitheatre has close ties with the Catholic church and forms part of the Good Friday Stations of the Cross procession.In the wake of the Milan pray-in, Defence Minister Ignazio La Russa staged a Catholic mass in Piazza Duomo the following Sunday in order to ‘‘reclaim’’ the area, while the Northern League’s Attilio Fontana said he ‘‘would like to see what would happen if I went to recite the rosary in Mecca’‘. Maurizio Gasparri, Senate whip for Premier Silvio Berlusconi’s People of Freedom (PDL) party, earlier this week said all three incidents were ‘‘pseudo-prayers’‘.’‘They have nothing to do with religion - they are threatening and intimidatory acts towards the Italian people,’’ he said, adding that those who took part should be ‘‘identified and possibly expelled from the country’‘.A former interior minister, the PDL’s Beppe Pisanu, described the incidents as ‘‘a fundamentalist operation, the preliminaries of terrorism’‘.
If you’d like to learn more about how Europe has all but surrendered their continent to radical Islam, I would reccomend reading While Europe Slept by Bruce Bawer.Bawer is a gay, liberal American writer who left America because he felt the religious right had become too powerful. But he has many interesting thoughts on the rise of a ultra fundamentalist (Muslim) religious right that he fears will politically and culturally dominate Europe in the near future.
Islam divides the world into two parts. The part governed by sharia, or Islamic law, is called the Dar al-Islam, or House of Submission. Everything else is the Dar al-Harb, or House of War, so called because it will take war—holy war, jihad—to bring it into the House of Submission.
The cultural jihadists have enjoyed disturbing success. Two events in particular—the 2004 assassination in Amsterdam of Theo van Gogh in retaliation for his film about Islam’s oppression of women, and the global wave of riots, murders, and vandalism that followed a Danish newspaper’s 2005 publication of cartoons satirizing Mohammed—have had a massive ripple effect throughout the West. Motivated variously, and doubtless sometimes simultaneously, by fear, misguided sympathy, and multicultural ideology—which teaches us to belittle our freedoms and to genuflect to non-Western cultures, however repressive—people at every level of Western society, but especially elites, have allowed concerns about what fundamentalist Muslims will feel, think, or do to influence their actions and expressions. These Westerners have begun, in other words, to internalize the strictures of sharia, and thus implicitly to accept the deferential status of dhimmis—infidels living in Muslim societies.Call it a cultural surrender. The House of War is slowly—or not so slowly, in Europe’s case—being absorbed into the House of Submission.The Western media are in the driver’s seat on this road to sharia. Often their approach is to argue that we’re the bad guys. After the late Dutch sociologist-turned-politician Pim Fortuyn sounded the alarm about the danger that Europe’s Islamization posed to democracy, elite journalists labeled him a threat. A New York Times headline described him as marching the dutch to the right. Dutch newspapers Het Parool and De Volkskrant compared him with Mussolini; Trouw likened him to Hitler. The man (a multiculturalist, not a Muslim) who murdered him in May 2002 seemed to echo such verdicts when explaining his motive: Fortuyn’s views on Islam, the killer insisted, were “dangerous.”
By Wing Chun Geologist
As in the days of Noah...