Syria is refraining from engaging in direct peace negotiations with Israel until it receives answers to six questions which were sent to Jerusalem regarding the future of the Golan Heights, the London-based newspaper, Al-Hayat reported on Thursday.According to the report, Turkey presented both sides with an offer to advance the negotiations, and during the diplomatic activity which followed both countries exchanged six questions - Israel asked about security guarantees, and Syria asked about the Golan and future borders.The paper reported that Syria had submitted to the Turks its responses to the Israeli questions, but had asked that they not be shown to Jerusalem officials until the Israelis submitted their own answers.In addition, the Syrians said that they were unwilling to engage in direct diplomacy until their questions were answered.The Jerusalem Post could not confirm this report.Over the past two years, Damascus and Jerusalem have been involved in indirect talks revolving around the possibility of a peace deal between the two countries. Last summer, the talks became public, but have yet to transform into direct peace negotiations.
As in the days of Noah....