"Am I therefore become your enemy,because I TELL YOU THE TRUTH...?"
(Galatians 4:16)

Obama Campaign Provided ACORN With Donor List

But don’t worry folks. ACORN was just some group in Obama’s neighborhood.
A former staffer for an affiliate of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now testified today that the organization was provided a “donor list” from the presidential campaign of Barack Obama in late 2007 for fundraising efforts.
Anita Moncrief, a former Washington, D.C. staffer for Project Vote, which she described as a sister organization of ACORN, said her supervisor told her the list of campaign contributors came from the Obama campaign. Moncrief said she has a copy of a “development plan” that outlines how Obama contributors who had “maxed out” under federal contribution limits would be targeted to give to Project Vote, and that it was her job to identify such contributors.Moncrief testified that ACORN and Project Vote were virtually identical.A Republican lawyer submitted a computer disk of the Obama database to Commonwealth Court Judge Robert Simpson.Moncrief, whom Project Vote fired earlier this year, testified for more than two hours during a hearing on a Pennsylvania Republican Party lawsuit aimed at curbing voter fraud in Tuesday’s general election.
Despite the Obama campaigns attempts to draw a distinction between Project Vote and ACORN (and their claim that Obama never worked for ACORN) , it’s worth noting that the former is a subsidiary of the latter and that the two groups share office space and advertise for employees together.Plus we have Obama’s $800,000 payment to ACORN for “get out the vote” efforts. Now Obama sharing his donor list with ACORN.Then you add in all the fraudulent fund raising activity that’s been going on with the Obama campaign, plus ACORN’s voter registration fraud, and how can we avoid the conclusion that the Obama campaign is the most fraudulent Presidential campaign in history?
By Rob

As in the days of Noah...