UNITED NATIONS-World leaders pushed on Thursday for stronger action to reduce global poverty in the face of spreading financial turmoil and high food prices that threaten to worsen the problems of the poor.Addressing world leaders at a poverty summit, U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called on countries to be bold and generous.With sufficient funds and political will, the fight against poverty, hunger, disease and inequality could be won, he said.Eight years after U.N. members set goals to halve global poverty by 2015, the U.N. meeting is taking stock and discussing other steps to accelerate progress. While there has been progress in some countries, the U.N. has said not a single African country is on track to reach all the targets set out in these Millennium Development Goals.Ban said earlier this week the fight against poverty can be won if rich countries provide some $72 billion a year."The current financial crisis threatens the well-being of billions of people, none more so than the poorest of the poor," he said. "This compounds the damage being caused by much higher prices for food and fuel."Ban said current successes in sharply reducing deaths from malaria, Africa's biggest killer, through prevention and treatment showed progress could be made in tackling disease.
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