Russia's foreign minister on Wednesday dismissed suggestions by U.S. and European officials that it has become isolated since its war with Georgia and insisted it acted in justifiable self-defense.Washington and its European allies roundly condemned Russia when it invaded Georgia last month after easily thwarting an attempt by Tbilisi to re-establish control over its breakaway region South Ossetia, which has since declared independence along with another breakaway enclave, Abkhazia.Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told an audience of academics, officials and journalists that Moscow had only responded to Georgian aggression against the South Ossetians and suggested he was perplexed by the failure of Western powers to understand that.Earlier, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice suggested that Russia had isolated itself by invading Georgia."Russia has one foot in the international system, the integration, and one foot out. That's actually not a very comfortable place to be," said Rice in an interview with CNBC.Lavrov dismissed the idea."We don't feel isolated at all," he said.Moscow's chief diplomat said more countries were reaching out to Russia than ever before at the current gathering of world leaders at the U.N. General Assembly in New York.
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