"Am I therefore become your enemy,because I TELL YOU THE TRUTH...?"
(Galatians 4:16)

West to pursue twin track in Iran nuclear dispute

GENEVA-Western powers will continue a twin track policy of sanctions and diplomacy towards Iran over its nuclear program, the EU's top diplomat said on Wednesday, despite Tehran's warnings it could backfire.Britain told Iran it will suffer growing economic and political isolation if it makes the "wrong choice" and fails to comply with U.N. demands on curbing sensitive atomic activities.But Tehran remained defiant in the long-running standoff over nuclear work it says is designed to generate electricity but which the West fears is aimed at making bombs.Its deputy foreign minister was quoted as saying the world's fourth-largest oil producer would withdraw assets from Europe in the face of tightening sanctions against the country.Another senior official, parliamentary speaker Ali Larijani, warned the West against "provoking" the Islamic Republic.Tehran said on Tuesday that new punitive measures imposed on it this week by the 27-nation European Union over its nuclear plans could damage diplomatic efforts to resolve the dispute.EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana handed Iran an offer on June 14 of trade and other benefits proposed by the United States, Russia, China, Britain, Germany and France in a new bid to end a row that has helped push oil prices to record highs.Solana told Reuters on Thursday Iran had still not replied to the incentives offer aimed at coaxing it into halting uranium enrichment, which can have both civilian and military uses, but hoped for an answer soon.
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As in the days of Noah...