"Am I therefore become your enemy,because I TELL YOU THE TRUTH...?"
(Galatians 4:16)

Sarkozy farewell ceremony cut as policeman commits suicide

An elite border policeman fatally shot himself in the head on Tuesday at a departure ceremony for French President Nicolas Sarkozy at Ben-Gurion International Airport, authorities said, sparking fear of an assassination attempt and prompting bodyguards to whisk Sarkozy and Prime Minister Ehud Olmert away from the scene.The shooting occurred while a military band was playing, and the leaders apparently didn't hear anything. Dark-suited men then quickly ushered Sarkozy and his wife up the stairs of their plane.
In a panic, Sarkozy's wife, Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, rushed up the stairs ahead of her husband.At the same time, security guards, with their guns drawn, rushed Olmert and President Shimon Peres toward their cars.The incident was over within minutes, and Olmert returned and boarded the plane to inform Sarkozy what had transpired, witnesses said.A Magen David Adom paramedic crew unsuccessfully attempted to revive the policeman, who sustained severe injuries from the bullet."We are carrying out a preliminary investigation at this time," a Border Police spokesman said. "We will release more details after our check and after we speak to the policeman's family," he added. Police spokesman Shlomi Sagi confirmed that a policeman guarding the airport committed suicide just as Sarkozy was about to board his plane as a band was playing.Another police spokesman, Micky Rosenfeld, denied reports that there had been an assassination attempt on the French leader.The incident marred Sarkozy's three-day trip to Israel, a visit meant to improve relations between the two countries.French presidential spokesman Franck Louvrier could not be reached for comment on his mobile phone. Another presidential spokesman who was on another scheduled flight out of Tel Aviv said he knew nothing about the incident.
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