"Am I therefore become your enemy,because I TELL YOU THE TRUTH...?"
(Galatians 4:16)

Obama Facing Criticism Of His Proposed Iran Diplomacy From…Europe

Yes.Europe of all places.
And here you thought the international community was already in the bag for Obama.
European officials are increasingly concerned that Sen. Barack Obama’s campaign pledge to begin direct talks with Iran on its nuclear program without preconditions could potentially rupture U.S. relations with key European allies early in a potential Obama administration.
The U.N. Security Council has passed four resolutions demanding that Iran stop enriching uranium, each time highlighting the offer of financial and diplomatic incentives from a European-led coalition if Tehran suspends enrichment, a route to producing fuel for nuclear weapons. But Obama, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, has said he would make such suspension a topic for discussion with Iran, rather than a precondition for any negotiations to take place.
European officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said they are wary of giving up a demand that has been so enshrined in U.N. resolutions, particularly without any corresponding concessions by Iran.
So, since liberals believe there should be a “global test” for American foreign policy, Obama will be backing away from his stated foreign policy with regard to Iran and apologizing for having suggested such a unilateral position, right?
After all, if Obama is concerned about international opinion when it comes to our thermostat settings, surely he’s sensitive to it when its related to diplomacy with an influential middle eastern rogue state.
by Rob
As in the days of Noah....