"Am I therefore become your enemy,because I TELL YOU THE TRUTH...?"
(Galatians 4:16)

Does The Extension Of Mossad Chief's Tenure Signify A Strike On Iran In The Making?

Many view the decision by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to extend the term of Meir Dagan, the chief of the Mossad, as testament to his role in crafting policy on Iran and other regional foes and stepping up Israel's monitoring of Iran's nuclear program. Dagan will remain in his job to the end of 2009. The events of recent days perhaps offer further proof that Israel is not willing to sit on the fence until it is too late because the international arena has failed to halt Iran's race for nuclear capability, and its recent actions prove that if left with no other choice, Israel will take the initiative and launch a strike.


As in the days of Noah....