"Am I therefore become your enemy,because I TELL YOU THE TRUTH...?"
(Galatians 4:16)

Two Russia cult members "died underground"

MOSCOW-Two members of the Russian doomsday cult who barricaded themselves into a bunker died during their five month vigil underground, one of the cult members told Russian media on Wednesday."Two people died while in the bunker, they are buried there," Vitaly Nedogon, one of 24 members of the cult who left the bunker over the past two weeks, told Russia's Channel One television station."One woman called Tamara died of cancer the other woman from Belarus died while fasting," he said.The group are adherents to an Orthodox sect created by preacher Pavel Kuznetsov, who did not go underground himself, saying God had other tasks for him.Kuznetsov is now in hospital being treated for serious head injuries. Officials say attempted suicide is suspected.Local authorities, who have been conducting negotiations with the cult members in a remote part of the Penza region in central Russia to persuade them to come out, said they could not verify whether anyone died until investigators had been underground."We can not make any official conclusion based on information presented by Nedogon.For the moment he has not presented any evidence,"Sharonov Anatoli, spokesman for Penza governor told Reuters."Negotiations are suspended, because the sect members are keeping a vow of silence.The official number of those in seclusion is 11 people,"Anatoli said.If Nedogon is correct, it would mean only nine people remain alive underground.
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As in the days of Noah....