Stagnant water
Brazilian Health Minister Jose Gomes Temporao last week said Rio's municipal authorities bore much of the blame, by failing to spray against mosquitoes early enough to control the outbreak.
A judge also ordered Rio authorities to begin using private hospitals to cope with the surge in cases, accusing officials of neglect and indifference.Nationwide, the number of dengue cases is 27% down on the same period last year, according to the health ministry.But the mayor of Rio, Cesar Maia, has said that the city was not warned early enough by the federal authorities of the scale of the problem.Rio state officials said the three new military field hospitals should help to ease the pressure on emergency rooms packed with people suffering from dengue."We have to enter into combat like we're fighting a war, to minimise the suffering of the population," Major Robert Tury told the Associated Press.The authorities have also been spraying areas with powerful insecticides and inspecting areas with pools of stagnant water where mosquitoes can breed.
As in the days of Noah....