Barack Obama's former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, said in excerpts from an interview released on Thursday that people airing snippets of his fiery sermons were trying to paint him as "some sort of fanatic."Wright, who has kept a low profile since repeated televised airings last month of segments of his sermons, is semi-retired from Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, a church the Democratic presidential candidate joined 20 years ago.In grainy video of sermons he delivered years ago, Wright is seen calling the September 11 attacks retribution for U.S. policies and condemning America's failings on race.At one point he shouts to his congregation, "God Bless America? No, God damn America.""The persons who have heard the entire sermon understand the communication perfectly," he told PBS' Bill Moyers in the interview to be broadcast on Friday.Those who are airing the snippets "are communicating exactly what they want to do, which is to paint me as some sort of fanatic."The clips have been available on the Internet for months, but sparked controversy when cable television news shows began airing them last month.Initially, Obama, who would be the first black president, dismissed Wright's rhetoric as that of an elderly uncle who sometimes says things one doesn't agree with. But when the televised snippets drew criticism and questions about whether Obama approved of them, he distanced himself from Wright and denounced some of his views.
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