"Am I therefore become your enemy,because I TELL YOU THE TRUTH...?"
(Galatians 4:16)

GAY AGENDA WATCH:Procter & Gamble urged to remove homosexual couple from daytime soap

The American Family Association is calling on Procter & Gamble to adopt a neutrality policy on controversial issues, especially when it comes to pushing the homosexual agenda on network television. Procter & Gamble (P&G) owns the long-running soap opera As the World Turns, which features a fictional romance between two young men.[[[In fact, last August the CBS daytime soap became the first to feature two homosexual men kissing.]]]But since then, the network and P&G have received letters of criticism from viewers-many of whom want to see more affection between the fictional characters. The company's actions have also prompted the American Family Association (AFA) to issue an "Action Alert" against P&G. Randy Sharp, AFA's director of special projects, says P&G should stop pushing the homosexual agenda."What Procter & Gamble has done by not having a neutrality policy on any controversial issue is they've now put themselves in the middle of this battle between homosexual activists and those who aspire to more traditional family values-especially on network TV in the public forum," argues Sharp.The AFA spokesman is hopeful P&G will simply opt not to get involved in controversial topics, such as a homosexual kiss on television, and adopt a policy toward that end. But "the best thing that they could do," he suggests, "is to go ahead and drop these two characters from the show."Sharp stresses AFA is not calling for a boycott of P&G, but suggests pro-family activists contact the company and see how P&G executives respond to requests that the characters be removed from the plot.
(Editor's Note: The American Family Association is the parent organization of the American Family News Network, which operates OneNewsNow.com.)
As in the days of Noah....