A new documentary to be released nationwide in April investigates the persecution endured by advocates of intelligent design on college and university campuses.Opening April 18,
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed stars author, former presidential speechwriter, lawyer and actor Ben Stein. Throughout the documentary, Stein is followed by a camera crew while he questions noted scientists about the origins of life. The project also features many professors who lost their positions because they taught intelligent design alongside Darwin's theory of evolution. Mark Mathis is the associate producer of Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, and he says the documentary is entertaining as well as informative. "We knew the public wouldn't be interested in seeing a 90-minute science class. You have to entertain people," he explains. "So Ben Stein is the perfect person to carry this film."Mathis says they were able to tell a "very troubling and disturbing" story with Stein's comedic edge. He says the disturbing message of the film is that taxpayer money is being used to "jam" Darwinism, "an atheistic view of life," down the throats of students. Another disturbing aspect the film points out is the silencing and potential firing of those professors who dare suggest an intelligent design to life.The associate producer says he is hopeful the documentary will encourage the public to speak up and call for more tolerance toward the teaching of intelligent design on college campuses nationwide.
As in the days of Noah....