In a recent WND column, Janet Folger begs social conservatives to vote for John McCain. She believes McCain will rescue "most everyone" from our political "burning building"-when in fact McCain has already locked arms with the Kennedys, Feingolds and liberal Democrats to keep social conservatives "out" of politics while they burn our constitutional republic to the ground.Like our mutual friend Alan Keyes, I've been a lifelong Republican and never voted third party, but this time I've had enough (and apparently so has Alan Keyes, who reportedly is quitting the GOP).So here are eight reasons I won't vote for McCain and will continue to support Dr. Keyes wherever he leads our Exodus:Sen. McCain refused to help me when I fought to pray "in Jesus' name" as a Navy chaplain. When I walked into his office on Capitol Hill, two of his liberal staffers told me I should water down my prayers and stop praying "in Jesus' name." McCain will surround himself with similar liberal appointees in key White House positions.Meanwhile, Alan Keyes helped Dr. D. James Kennedy and friends get 70,000 petition signatures for chaplains in a national petition drive to overturn my "religious speech crime" court-martial. Alan also raised $10,000 to pay my legal costs and successfully lobbied Congress to overturn the bad prayer policy. Which candidate defends religious liberty – Keyes or McCain?In 2006, McCain was one of only three Republican senators to vote against defining marriage between one man and one woman. Why? McCain said: "I think that gay marriage should be allowed if there's a ceremony kind of thing, if you wanna call it that, I don't have any problem with that." No wonder Dr. James Dobson replied: "Speaking as a private individual, I would not vote for John McCain under any circumstances." Meanwhile, Alan Keyes could be found in Massachusetts supporting parents outraged by sexually explicit classes promoting homosexuality to their children, and by court-initiated assaults on the family.McCain not only refused to participate in Janet Folger's Values Voter Presidential Debate, he has repeatedly distanced himself from religious groups. He won the Republican nomination without faith-based voters. So, if he wins the White House, will he suddenly listen to our pleas? No chance! Only by treating ourselves with respect can we demand respect from others. Have we no dignity? Meanwhile, Keyes is the ONLY remaining candidate who scored 100 percent on Janet's Values Voter scorecard, consistently supporting Crisis Pregnancy Centers, pro-life groups and Christian schools.The lesser of two evils is still evil. But by Janet's logic, if Jesus Christ himself were running on a third-party ticket, we should still vote for McCain. Alan Keyes is no savior, but he remains the candidate of good conscience for those whose consciences are not yet seared.McCain claims to be "pro-life" but supports destruction of human embryos for use as "spare parts" in unproven medical research. McCain won't veto; he'll fund the murder of innocents. Alan Keyes worked tirelessly in Missouri against the murder of "snowflake babies" and in South Dakota to protect life in the womb.McCain wrote the bill helping Ted Kennedy in his attempt to grant amnesty to illegal aliens (McCain-Kennedy), so why should we believe he'll veto the Democrat plan to de-fund and tear down the border fence and issue driver's licenses and voter registration cards to illegal aliens? Alan Keyes has personally stood with the Minutemen to secure our borders, protecting our national sovereignty.McCain voted against the Bush tax cuts and could preside over the largest tax increase ever when they expire next year. But Keyes supported plans to abolish the income tax and replace it with the FairTax system long before Mike Huckabee and others recognized the wisdom of ending tax slavery for all Americans.McCain wrote the bill censoring free speech by religious organizations and shutting down grass-roots criticism of elected officials (McCain-Feingold), so why should we now believe he'll veto hate-crimes legislation? He'll sign it, opening the door to further persecution of the church. I also predict McCain will sign the Democrats' "equal time" bill to censor conservative radio talk-show hosts. Dr. Dobson predicts McCain will require pro-family groups to provide documentation to the government anytime they try to spark any "grass-roots" action. Phone calls, personal visits, e-mails, magazines, broadcasts, phone banks, appearances, travel and fundraising would all be subject to government tabulation verification, and audit. Alan Keyes will protect ministries like Focus on the Family and Janet Folger's Faith2Action radio activists – but under McCain, these will be prime targets of persecution by IRS agents!Religious conservatives who hope McCain will choose Mike Huckabee for vice president will be disappointed either way, since McCain will still make all the bad decisions. But when McCain picks a closet liberal for VP (mark my words), many still won't have the self-respect to abandon McCain's sinking ship.No amount of deodorant can overcome his rotten record of departure from conservative principles and personal assault on our grass-roots organizations. McCain still carries the scent of George Soros, who has contributed heavily to McCain's effort to stifle grass-roots free speech and action.Abandon McCain's sinking ship! Man your lifeboats! I cannot violate my conscience in November. I'll make a statement with my vote, instead of wasting it on Clinton, Obama or McCain. Faith-minded people cannot tolerate evil, whatever its degree, since Christ taught us, "Be ye perfect even as your heavenly Father is perfect." Show some self-respect and have faith in God. America needs principled leaders who have borne the battle for liberty and are unashamed of the wounds received in doing so. I'll vote for Alan Keyes, writing in his name if necessary. Join us, and someday you'll stand before God with your head held high, blameless and unashamed of your vote.
By Gordon James Klingenschmitt
Gordon James Klingenschmitt is a former Navy chaplain who sacrificed his career to help change national policy, restoring the rights of military chaplains to publicly pray "in Jesus' name" – even in uniform. "Chaps" travels to speak at churches and can be invited via e-mail. He encourages readers to sign the petition to reinstate Chaplain Danny Harvey, the hospital chaplain fired for praying in Jesus' name.
As in the days of Noah.....