In places like Iowa, Indiana, Maryland, and Florida, the President's annual State of the Union address is taking a backseat to what many see as the troubling state of their own unions. Pro-family Hoosiers, who recently celebrated the legislature's decision to vote their marriage protection amendment out of committee, are facing a do-or-die battle to get the initiative on the November ballot. If House Speaker Pat Bauer (D) sabotages the bill, as he has promised to do, voters will have to wait four to six years for another shot at protecting marriage. If Bauer, who is an award-winning opponent of traditional marriage (so honored by the ACLU), bars citizens from defining marriage, it will only be a matter of time before Indiana's courts do so for them. In the Sunshine State, where residents are consumed by the presidential primaries, another race hangs in the balance-the race against time for traditional marriage proponents. Florida4Marriage has been scrambling to gather thousands of new signatures to place a marriage protection amendment on this November's ballot. As a result, left-wing groups are out in full force, countering the petition drive with the same scare tactics that defeated the Arizona marriage amendment. Preying on the fears of the elderly, liberals are wrongly arguing that the amendment would threaten their well being. It would not, but homosexuals aren't letting a little thing like the truth get in the way of an effective campaign. Elsewhere, Iowans are so outraged at the activism of a lower court in striking down the ban on gay marriage that they have petitioned the legislature to impeach the judge responsible for last year's ruling. At a January 16 rally, protestors demanded that their leaders take up a marriage protection amendment before the case goes to the Iowa Supreme Court. Although Governor Chet Culver (D) pledged to "stop gay marriage from coming to [his] state," he has yet to do a single thing to prevent it. On the contrary, he's publicly refused to push any legislation until the high court rules. In the brief time since Maryland's General Assembly has convened, proponents of same-sex "marriage" have already canvassed the State House, lobbying members to introduce bills that would overturn the existing ban on homosexual marriage. Reports indicate that a handful of those bills are making their debut in the legislature today. Time is of the essence! If you live in these states or have friends who do, we urge you to make your voices heard. On the future of marriage, it could make all the difference!
As in the days of Noah....