"Am I therefore become your enemy,because I TELL YOU THE TRUTH...?"
(Galatians 4:16)

Dutch Braced For 'Koran Insult' Backlash

If I insult you, am I responsible for your violence?It's a question being debated in the Netherlands this week as Dutch embassies around the world beef up their security ahead of the release of a film on the internet which allegedly insults the Koran. It's reported to show the Koran being torn up and otherwise desecrated.The extreme right wing politician Geert Wilders has made the ten minute film promoting his belief that the Koran inspires people 'to do the worst things'. His views have inspired him to talk about a [[[[['Tsunami of Islamisation' in Europe,]]]]] for the Koran to be banned, and for Dutch Muslims to either give up their religion or leave the country.
These remarks have gained his party nine seats in the 150 seat parliament and himself a 24 hour police guard.He needs it. The last Dutchman to make a film which angered some ended up with a knife in his chest attached to a note insulting Jews and Christians. Theo Van Gogh's murderer, an Islamist, also attempted to behead his victim in the street.The violence of the Danish Cartoon protests of 2005 roared around the world and resulted in dozens of deaths. Now, hearing of the Wilders film, the Iranian Parliament has warned of 'extensive repercussions around the world' if it's shown.Mr Wilders has reacted by announcing he will delay release for two weeks and accepts he may have to leave the country. Dutch Embassies around the world have been put on alert and the Dutch counter terrorist services have held emergency meetings with the Government. Most politicians in the Netherlands believe Mr Wilders is being inflammatory and insulting, but are sticking to the principle of freedom of expression.It could all come to nothing, but it could get ugly.[[[[[[[[The Grand Mufti of Syria accuses Mr Wilders of 'inciting wars and bloodshed and he will be responsible'.This in effect means, 'it's your fault if I'm violent' which is an interesting argument but not one which would stand up in a court of law. If someone insults your family and you hit them you are still guilty of violent physical assault.The law of the street might agree you did the right thing but few intelligent people can argue that the law of street is a good way to handle inter-communal relations. People who always react with violence to perceived and or real insults usually end up in prison or mental institutions.]]]]]]]]AMEN TO THAT....So we wait to see just how insulting Mr Wilders will be. His past record suggests he can't see a top without going over it. He's pretty much saying 'You wanna make something of it?' Let's see who does.
By Tim Marshall, Sky News foreign affairs editor
You can hear Tim Marshall's weekly Foreign Matters podcast at:
PS:It seems that muslims cannot control themselves when confronted with frustration of their desires and don't seem to function well and integrate into society anywhere they go in the world,EXCEPT their own countries,where they still kill each other in a quest for supremacy of the wackier....
ISLAM was and is a RELIGION OF SWORD and they yet have to learn a more civilized way to go.
They have a very low umbral when it comes to frustration and cannot accept anybody in the world that thinks different than them...IT cannot coexist with them...they just have to woe them INTO their Way of Thinking and Living or....just wack their heads off....
The irrationality of their atrocities against the rest of the world that is no muslim-and wants to keep it that way-would go thru severe testing by psychiatrists and psychologists,just to find a profound "personality disorder" that is ancestral;its a blind devotion to a blood thirsty god that demands everything from them including literally-their own lives...which they gladly give away and that has turned to be a comodity for terrorists organizations like AlQaeda...
Life has turn to have no meaning in Islam...unless of course it takes many others "apes and pigs" lives with their own when they blow themselves up....
The "irrationality" of their ways is deeply embedded in their religion and in the Koran and they grow up with that being intertwined in their own souls....:hatred and intolerance of the rest of human kind,thus grow along with the little muslim boy and girl....thats why it is not surprise to see teen agers as young as 13 or even younger that are ready to be blown up for "allah's sake"
To understand this intolerant belief we have to go back in history and see the roots of true Islam and how they lived for centuries,killing and conquering the known world....
They have become very square minded in the sense that anything that doesn't fit the chip they have been implanted with since childhood is recognized as an ENEMY and a target...Pretty much as Ole Terminator....scanning around in the crowd and selecting and categorizing people according to what he had been programed with....
If ITS AN ENEMY...therefore it is a TARGET and has to be DESTROYED....
Im sorry...but that is not PEACE at all...Even tough many claim that Islam is a peaceful religion,when it comes to practice,that "chip" activates and the most peaceful law abiding muslim citizen can transform into a machine that doesn't coherently think anymore....but scans the crowd...looking for the enemy and target....
I KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT...cause I lived around muslims most of my life and that switch and activation of the chip happened everytime, FRUSTRATION because of OPPOSITION presented.
I know there may be millions of muslims that live quietly and at peace with their neighbours...I know that they exist....But to our horror in the West and the rest of the world it seems that more an more every day more and more chips are activated and armed ready to go off...
The notion of" Im violent because You make me" is one to be studied and analized more at the psychiatrist office than in a court of law.I tend to think that the Islam we are seeing is geting more and more severed from reality...It seems they cannot acknowledge that they are not the only ones in the planet....
But it all boils to the same and is the deep roots of their behaviour linked to the Koran that of course doesn't offer true freedom of any kind the way we know it in the rest of the world....The only freedom they know is slavery of the soul and the rest of the world understands it...
The only way you can have fanatic masses out of control is IF first...you slowly took away their God given freedom and enslaved them into a whole life style that will affect them for eternity unless they meet the author of Love.
These are end times and all these things are just the symptoms and the prologue of the Tribulation Period.
How much we have to pray for the muslim world today and how much we have to be led by God in which way we can be used to bring peace and truth to this wicked world and to truly be instruments of peace....!!!!
May the Lord helps us all!!!!!!!
As in the days of Noah....