[[[Jack Kevorkian earned $50,000 to speak at the University of Florida on Tuesday, telling students he did nothing wrong by helping people kill themselves. He claims to have helped end 130 lives,
]]] The Associated Press reported
.[[["I am a physician. I knew how to do it. … I did it humanely," Kevorkian told a crowd of about 5,000.
]]]The 79-year-old was convicted of second-degree murder in 1998 and sentenced to 10 to 25 years for the death of Thomas Youk, which was shown on CBS News.
[[[He was paroled in June 2007, after promising not to assist in any suicides
.]]]what a JOKE....!!!!"Free speech is one thing. Jack Kevorkian has a right to free speech, like anyone else," said Rita Marker, head of the International Task Force on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide
.{{{{"It is really obnoxious, or close to being obscene, for student fees to be used to bring a convicted murderer on campus to promote his views."
}}}}AMEN to that.....As in the days of Noah....