As in the days of Noah....
Bryant High blasted for showing religious film
TUSCALOOSA A Washington-based watchdog group that advocates the separation of church and state has demanded that teachers at Paul W. Bryant High School stop showing students a Christian film about a football team that wins by finding faith in God.Americans United for Separation of Church and State sent Tuscaloosa City Schools Superintendent Joyce Levey and Bryant High Principal Amanda Cassity a letter Tuesday saying that showing the movie “Facing the Giants” in class violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Tuscaloosa City Schools spokeswoman Lesley Bruintonissued a statement Tuesday afternoon that said, “The film ‘Facing the Giants’ was shown to two Paul W. Bryant High School classes prior to the semester break. After receiving a complaint regarding the film, Principal Amanda Cassity suspended any further showings until the merits of the complaint can be addressed.”Bruinton said Cassity was aware of the complaint before classes ended for the holidays, and the film hasn’t been shown since.“It’s been handled,” Bruinton said, without elaborating.The letter from Americans United, which was sent by fax and e-mail about 2:20 p.m. Tuesday to Levey and Cassity, came after the organization said it received complaints during the fall semester from people who live in the school district. Americans United has asked that Tuscaloosa City Schools inform all teachers in the system in writing not to show the film. The organization has also asked for a response by Feb. 15. The letter is the first formal action Americans United has taken. Details about the complaint were vague because the identity of the person who complained is being kept confidential, said Heather L. Weaver, the organization’s attorney.Weaver added that the local chapter of Americans United is aware of the situation, but that the national office is handling any possible legal aspects.“This movie is not educational; it’s evangelistic,” said the Rev. Barry W. Lynn, executive director of Americans United, in a written statement. “Parents and taxpayers expect our public schools to teach, not preach.”The film is about a down-and-out coach and football team at a Christian high school who struggle with issues on and off the field. The team begins to win games after the players dedicate themselves to God. The theme of the movie — and its tagline — is “With God, all things are possible.”“Facing the Giants,” distributed by Provident Films, a division of Sony Pictures, was made by Sherwood Baptist Church in Albany, Ga. Members of the church’s staff are actors in the film, which opened Sept. 29, 2006, in 400 theaters and is now available on DVD. Proceeds from the PG-rated film go to Sherwood Baptist Church and are earmarked for a youth recreational park in Albany, according to the film’s Web site. The church has already broken ground on that $12 million project.Produced for $100,000, the film has grossed more than $10 million since its release, according to The Associated Press.According to the film’s press information, “Sherwood Baptist Senior Pastor Michael Catt blessed the project to carry the church’s mission to ‘Reach the world from Albany, Ga.’ ”The film’s evangelistic intent is only part of the reason Americans United opposes showing the film in a public school, Weaver said. It’s also because the film carries an overtly Christian theme.“If you rent the movie, you’ll see it is just rife with proselytizing statements,” Weaver said. “The film is meant to convert people to Christianity, or at the very least to inspire them to be more religious, and the public schools aren’t allowed to indoctrinate students.”Bryan K. Fair, a professor at the University of Alabama School of Law who specializes in the First Amendment, said any court that was hearing such a case would wrestle with the question of whether showing the movie was an attempt to sponsor a religious activity in a public school.“These decisions are always sharply divided,” Fair said of cases before the U.S. Supreme Court involving separation of church and state. “It appears the court is concerned about context and what the purpose of the activity is. If the purpose is to advance a religious message, typically a court says that’s impermissible.”On the other hand, Fair said, if the purpose is to discuss morality, human rights or welfare from a religious perspective, that might be considered protected speech. “I doubt very seriously that the majority of the current Supreme Court would say that the showing of this film is any sort of religious activity,” Fair said, adding that since Chief Justice John Roberts has joined the court, no case specifically involving religion in public schools has come before the court.