Debate shift
The battle for and against nuclear power in the United States has been ongoing for decades, becoming especially heated after the accidents at Three Mile Island in 1979 and Chernobyl in 1986.The main concerns have been the threat of an accidental radiation leak and the lack of long-lasting disposal sites for radioactive waste.But in the past five years, the debate has shifted in light of new fears over global warming.According to recent figures from the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), 103 commercial nuclear plants in the United States generate nearly 75 percent of all emission-free electricity, which includes renewable technologies and hydroelectric power plants."We're supportive of wind and other renewable energies," but addressing climate change will likely require some fraction of nuclear power, Hintz said.In terms of radioactive waste, the United States has more than 50,000 tons of spent nuclear fuel from nuclear reactors.Although this constitutes a small fraction of the nearly 2 billion tons of carbon dioxide emitted per year from the nation's coal-fired plants, most of this highly radioactive waste is stored temporarily in aboveground sites, where it could contaminate groundwater or be used as a terrorist target.
There are hopes for a cleaner nuclear future: Fusion reactors-in which nuclei are combined- have the potential to provide almost limitless energy without all the toxic waste associated with traditional fission reactors.However, despite continued efforts, fusion power is still far from a reality."We really don't have time to chase around this Holy Grail," Riccio said.
Politically born again
The NEI estimates that current nuclear power costs less than 2 cents per kilowatt-hour, cheaper than coal-generated power. However, Riccio said this price does not include huge debts leftover from earlier construction."The first 75 reactors in the United States had $100 billion in cost overruns." Riccio said.The nuclear industry is hoping to avoid some of the problems that arose in the past with the help of the 2005 Energy Policy Act.The 2005 legislation offers billions of dollars in incentives to the industry to start new construction. It also allows reactor builders to apply for a combined operating license, which covers construction and operation.Before, builders needed two separate licenses, a fact that left certain finished reactors unused for years.
"The beauty of [the new licensing] is that all delays will be at the front end before you spend billions of dollars," Hintz said.If all goes smoothly, the NRC licenses will be awarded in three to five years and the first reactors will go on-line around 2015, Hintz said.
As in the days of Noah....