Christian campaigners launched a High Court battle today for the right to bring
a private prosecution for blasphemy over the musical Jerry Springer - the Opera.Two judges were told the show was
[[["an offensive, spiteful, systematic mockery and wilful denigration of Christian belief"
]]]{{{{ that no one would have dreamed of making about the prophet Muhammad and Islam.
}}}}(1)Stephen Green, the national director of the evangelical group Christian Voice, is attempting to prosecute the producer of the award-winning musical, which has been shown in theatres around the country, and the BBC,
which broadcast it in 2005. His initial application was rejected in January by a district judge at the City of Westminster magistrates' court, and he was appealing to the High Court to reverse the ruling. Liberty, the human rights organisation, has been allowed to intervene in the case, and has argued in a written submission that the offence of blasphemy should not be recognised in English law at all.Michael Gledhill QC, appearing for Mr Green, told the High Court that the district judge had erred in law in refusing to issue the summonses as the show had clearly
[[["crossed the blasphemy threshold
"]]]."[[[This is not just about protecting the rights of a section of the Christian population", he told Lord Justice Hughes and Mr Justice Collins. "It is about protecting the constitution of the nation which is built on the Christian faith."
]]]Mr Gledhill contrasted public reaction to Jerry Springer - The Opera with that of the Sikh community to the play Behzti (Dishonour) that depicted murder and rape in a Sikh temple. The Birmingham theatre where Behzti was staged was attacked and the drama was abandoned after the first performance "and it has never seen the light of day since", said Mr Gledhill.He said that no one would need to be reminded of the consequences when a Danish paper published caricatures of the prophet Mohammed, causing demonstrations across the world and loss of life.It went without saying, Mr Gledhill continued, that Jonathan Thoday, the show's producer, would never have dreamed of producing a satire on the prophet Mohammed and the religion of Islam, "nor would any theatre have produced it", he said.In contrast neither Mr Thoday nor Mark Thompson, the Director General of the BBC, felt the "least inhibition in ridiculing God, Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, the sacrament of the Eucharist and Christian belief," Mr Gledhill said.Through Jerry Springer - The Opera they had treated the Christian faith "with contempt, reviling it by parodying Christian beliefs scurrilously and in the most ludicrous manner".During the production, a parody of the confrontational American chat show,
[[[Christ is portrayed apparently wearing nappies, swearing and at one point says that he is "a bit gay
"]]].The case was expected to run for two days.
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2007/11/20/nspringer220.xmlPS:I really mean what Im gonna say next:WHO IN THE WORLD IS JERRY SPRINGER ANYWAY....?????Yep just another blasphemer and another shackled sinner that cannot do better.They should pursue this suit anyway....(1)They don't do this to Muhammad cause they are stupid but not that much....They know we christians are not gonna behead anybody or blow ourselves up because of the offense....ANother LEWD play....As in the days of Noah....