“Our top researchers recognize that this new development does not mean that we should discontinue studying embryonic stem cells,” he said in a written statement. “Scientists may yet find that embryonic stem cells are more powerful. We need to continue to pursue all alternatives as we search for treatments for diabetes, Parkinson’s and spinal cord injuries.”
“More powerful.” That must be a technical term. It’s science, and stuff.
But let’s hear from a real scientist on this matter. Namely James Thomson, who led one of the two teams responsible for this breakthrough and was the man responsible for first isolating the human embryonic stem cell in 1998:
It’s probably the beginning of the end for that controversy,” said James Thompson , a stem-cell scientist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison whose lab was used by the U.S. research team. “I do believe that over time these new cells will be used by more and more labs, and embryonic stem cells will be gradually used by fewer and fewer labs.”
I’m no scientist, or even any sort of an expert on stem cells, but it seems more practical to me to be using something like skin for stem cells instead of embryos. Skin is, after all, more plentiful and using it has none of the moral ramifications the use of embryos does.
By Rob
PS:Rob put it so well....out of "political inertia"...I'd rather say out of "political stupidity and ignorance.....
Demoncrat Senator Harkin saying that stem cells are "more powerful"it's like Al Gore saying that we are facing "a planetary emergency"....
Harkin has no clue of Medicine or Science,likewise his co-demoncrat Gore9recent Peace Nobel Prize Winner-like terrorist Arafat among others.....) has no clue of TRUE ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE....
They speak cause air is free and because they have the freedom to do so....
Harkin can care less for using embryos for stem cells (which is murder)
HARKIN:Ignorant and Disrespectful with LIFE itself....More powerful....give me a break.....!!!!!
As in the days of Noah....