On the Net:
Diocese of Fairbanks: http://www.cbna.info/
PS:I always wondered why in the world priests cannot be tried and sent to jail with all the other bunch of sex offenders-like any other regular human being....?
Once they commit these norrible acts,they are no longer-men or women(re:nuns)of the "cloth",actually they are a shame and a DANGER...
I was never personally molested by any priest-even tough nuns were mean to me and punished me several times(for absolutely no reason)as I think I wrote in this blog before,with things such as leaving me standing an entire morning by a statue of virgin Mary,outside in the patio under the torrential rain.I was 5.And I remember I cried and cried and called my mom and these nuns from hell were inside and looked at me thru these huge windows and laughed at me and told me to shut up many times.I'm not making this up this really happened to me....
When my mother went to pick me up and found out the mess I was....IT WASN'T NICE...I think my parents threatened to sue them and all.I got sick with sore throat and flu and they ended up pulling me from that school and sending me to another catholic school that was normal.
It was a known -fact as I was growing up-that you would never leave your boy alone with the priest,no matter what...
Actually one of my first cousins was sexually abused by one priest at his catholic school-and this went on for years.Finally when he was 13 he told my uncle....but the damage was already done.He has had innumerable problems and counselling and therapy,you name it.He is an adult now and still running around with a broken life.
THis sick monster(the priest) had threatened him many times telling him that if he would tell his parents he would go at nite at their home and hurt them and his siblings....That explained why he spent long nights awake late around the living room watching tv and like waiting for somebody.....
Let me tell you....we are living in end times and EVIL DAYS....
IF your kids attend a catholic school or a private school- a religious school if you want-double check the staff there and demand to know who they are.Predators are everywhere EVEN at christian schools.SO be watchful and keep an eye on these things for the sake of your children and grandchildren.
My heart goes out to the victims of abuse at the hands of these phony priests...the same way I hurt for my cousin.
As in the days of Noah...