As in the days of Noah....
Calif. lawmaker warns China will overtake U.S. military edge
California Republican lawmaker Duncan Hunter, ranking member of the House Armed Services Committee, said a newly released U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission report "validates my concerns that America's defense industrial base is moving to China." Hunter has long favored stronger export controls on American military components and so-called "dual-use" items, or goods with both commercial and military applications, to China. "China is using American trade dollars to arm at the same time the Department of Defense is failing to monitor the outsourcing of critical American military components," he said in Nov. 15 statement. The commission's book-length report also criticized the Chinese government's interference in certain economic activities and industries, making it difficult for U.S. industry to fairly compete in the growing Chinese market. The commission, a bipartisan group of 12 commissioners created by Congress to analyze the economic and national security relationship between the United States and China, unanimously approved 42 recommendations to Congress for further action. The commission based its recommendations on the results from seven hearings; trips to China, Taiwan, and India; original research; and consultations with economic, intelligence, and military agencies. The report acknowledged that China has improved its adherence to non-proliferation agreements during the past several years. However, Commission Vice Chairman Daniel Blumenthal said China continues to build its military capacity and sophistication with the intent to challenge the United States. He also expressed concern at "China's willingness to invest in and sell weapons to Iran and Sudan, both countries with abysmal human rights records."