JERUSALEM-Fresh from ordering security forces to destroy a synagogue built by Jews to pray near Joseph's Tomb, Judaism's third holiest site,Prime Minister Ehud Olmert now has directed his forces to forcibly evict two families that moved into a market in Jewish sections of Hebron,the oldest Jewish community in the world.The evictions are scheduled for Monday.Israel says the occupation of market by the two families is illegal since their arrival wasn't coordinated with the Israeli military.The market in question, now converted to small, two-story apartments,was built in 1929 after Arab riots temporarily forced Jews from Hebron-the first time the city was without a Jewish presence in over 2,500 years.For more than 30 years,a sign was posted on the market boasting in Arabic that the structure was built on stolen Jewish property.
Arab merchants illegally set up shop at the market but were asked by the Israel Defense Forces to leave after a series of clashes broke out in the mid-1990s.Even though the market was stolen by the Arabs,Hebron's Jewish community purchased the market from its original Arab occupants in 2001...
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As in the days of Noah...