prescription pills.Super-strength drugs to tackle a severe childhood behavioural condition are soaring on Tyneside.According to new figures seen by the Chronicle,the number of youngsters on medication for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder,commonly known as ADHD, has doubled in Newcastle over the last two years.Other areas are seeing an increase in the prescribing of strong stimulants such as Ritalin, Modafinil, and Dexedrine, as well as antidepressant Atomoxetine-which can all counteract hyperactivity.The figures show prescriptions in the Newcastle Primary Care Trust area alone shot up from 2,284 in 2005-06 to 4,073 in 2006-07.In North Tyneside, prescription numbers exploded from 528 in 2005/06 to 2,367 in 2006/07.Gateshead, South Tyneside, Sunderland and Durham City also saw an increase in the number of prescriptions.
Children as young as six could be getting the drugs,and the rise in prescriptions has been blasted by a psychiatric health watchdog,the Citizens’ Commission on Human Rights, which claims children are being “drugged into submission”.ADHD expert Paul McArdle,a consultant child and adolescent psychiatrist based at Newcastle’s Flemming Nuffield Unit, ays the drugs can dramatically improve a child’s quality of life.But he admits medicating the hyperactive is cheaper than other methods....
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PS:"DRUGGING INTO SUBMISSION"I think that's the correct way to put this assault on our children worldwide.I think this is part of a broader plan to DESENSITIZE our younger generations to not only drug use,but total dependency on "pharmakeia".It's easier to submitt and govern"drugged masses" that have their brain metabolisms all messed up already and will switch from one drug to the other in future just to function normal.It's also a CHEAP way for aprents and care givers to GET RID of the so called"hyperactive child".Surely a sign of these end times we are living in....
As in the days of Noah....