"Am I therefore become your enemy,because I TELL YOU THE TRUTH...?"
(Galatians 4:16)

PITIFUL:Apes, Pigs and Anti-Semitism

A Saudi school has recently been caught teaching that Jews and Christians are apes and pigs. This is nothing new, of course, since the teaching of Jews and Chrsitians being apes and pigs is widespread in the Arab Middle East.Why are Jews in particular called these names by Arabs and Muslims?What gratification is involved when one needs to turn others into animal form?...This recent example of the Saudi school teaching that Jews and Christians are apes and pigs is, of course, just a continuation of a long tradition.In terms of Jews in particular, why are they portrayed as apes and pigs in the Arab Middle East? The Qur’an, for instance, calls Jews apes and pigs several times. the idea that Jews are apes and pigs is rooted in three passages of the Qur'an: 2:63-66; 5:59-60; and 7:166. The first of those passages depicts Allah telling the Jews who "profaned the Sabbath": "Be as apes despicable!" It goes on to say that these accursed ones serve "as a warning example for their time and for all times to come" (2:63-66). The second has Allah directing Muhammad to remind the "People of the Book" - a term that refers primarily to Jews and Christians - about "those who incurred the curse of Allah and His wrath, those of whom some He transformed into apes and swine, those who worshipped evil" (5:59-60). The third essentially repeats this, saying of the Sabbath-breaking Jews that when "in their insolence they transgressed (all) prohibitions," Allah said to them, "Be ye apes, despised and rejected."In traditional Islamic theology these passages have not been considered to apply to all Jews. The classic Qur'anic commentator Ibn Kathir speaks of three groups of Jews: "a group that committed the prohibition, catching fish on the Sabbath," a second group that "prohibited them from transgression and avoided them," and a third group that "neither prohibited them, nor participated in their action." Belying the frequent jihadist tendency to refer to the Jews as the "descendants of apes and swine," Ibn Kathir quotes earlier authorities saying that "those who violated the sanctity of the Sabbath were turned into monkeys, then they perished without offspring," and that they "only lived on the earth for three days, for no transformed person ever lives more than three days." The Tafsir al-Jalalayn agrees, noting that those thus cursed by Allah "died three days later."Some Islamic authorities (notably Razi) have posited that the transformation involved the human appearance (a'rad) of the accursed ones, while others, such as Mujahid, say it was not a literal change: "They were not transformed into apes, but it was a similitude which Allah made for them. Their hearts were transformed and were made like the hearts of apes, neither accepting admonition nor fearing threats."...
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PS:People wonder all over the civilized world,"where in the world do muslims get this hatred against jews and christians....?"Well I have the answer:FROM THE QURAN.....!!!Again:"ISLAM IS NOT A RELIGION OF PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!"If people start understanding that fact then they'll understand much more of the lunacy in which many millions are wrapped in ini the arab world and wherever they live...
As in the days of Noah....